“To all our families and dear friends that I honored and blessed to have in our lives with freedom, unity and equality… May this holiday season bring you love to your heart, health to your body, and peace and joy to your home throughout the New Year 2023.”

"Happy New Year 2025"

  • "Hoping that this New Year 2025 brings to you newly found joy, prosperity, and everything else you hope for. Have a wonderful New Year 2025! May each moment in a day has its own good value.”

    I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude towards all my teachers, my beloved parents, my all devotees and the others. May they receive all the merits gained by this worthy cause!

    May the Lord Buddha’s Supreme Dhamma exist in this Universe for many millennia to come!

    May all beings be well and happy! May all of you find the Path to Purity. May the knowledge, belief, and practice of the truth shine forth in every corner of our world.

    Theravada Buddha Sasana Organization (TBSO) is located in the North East of Seattle, Washington State.

    We are a monastery in the Dhamma Gone Yee Mahasi Sasana Yeikthar of Seattle Myanmar Buddhist organization.

    TBSO was founded in September of 2009. Our mission is to promote and teach Buddha's teachings and cultures.

    TBSO is essentially just beginning; it is a young monastery with great growth potential.

    All donations go to support our Buddha Mission - TBSO(USA) to establish a meditation center for your present and beyond the life goal.

    Donations, as always, are very much appreciated.

    Many thanks for your kind donation such as New Dhamma Hall donation, monthly donation, daily breakfast and lunch donation, monthly four requisites and etc,.

    May all of you grow longevity, beauty, happiness and strength in physical and mental by the power of wholesomeness.

    New Monastery Photos

    Insight Meditation and Applied Abhidhamma Class

    Insight Meditation and Applied Abhidhamma Class

    Please click on "Donate" button to donate with a credit card or PayPal account.

    All images on www.tbsousa.org are the exclusive property of TBSO-USA (unless otherwise indicated). All images and text are protected under United States and International copyright laws.

Happy New Year 2025