- Warmly welcome to all Dhamma Fellowship
Address: 17730 Broadway Ave, Snohomish, WA 98296
The Theravada Buddha Sasana Organization (USA) was founded in Sept 2009. It is a small Monastery located a few miles south of Snohomish WA on Broadway Ave. The lot is about 5 acres with a variety of small ecosystems. A brook flows gently through emptying into a small pond next to a wetland area. There is a meditative wooded area which will someday have small cabins for quiet meditation. The monastery building is rather small but functions well. A nice feature of a large lot is parking. Visitors will always find parking quite convenient. The membership has been steady, even growing slightly these last few years.
TBSO (USA), as its name suggest, is of the Theravada tradition. Theravada Buddhism is characterized principally by drawing upon the abhidhamma (higher teaching) for its definition and by its promotion of vipassana or insight meditation.The Theravada tradition is usually considered to be composed of three basic components, the abhidhamma, the teaching for monks and nuns and the teaching for lay people. The two teaching components are derived from the abhidhamma. By design the teachings for lay people is the least difficult to study which is what gives it great practical value. The abhidhamma is a detailed description of the inner workings of mind and consciousness, think of it as providing an exploded view of the mind. The complexity of the abhidhamma is beautiful; it is an imposing work and intellectually demanding when studied thoroughly. The main impetus of Vipassana meditation is not necessarily to achieve calm demeanor but, figuratively speaking, to open a window into what can be thought of as another world; aplace from which you can know, e.g., that the sufferings, great and small, of the everyday mundane world can be made more tolerable with proper attentiveness.
TBSO (USA) is very fortunate with the recent arrival of Ven. Pannobhasa who will be the principal monk. Ven. Pannobhasa is a much achieved monk, especially in abhidhamma studies.He is originally from Myanmar, being ordained at a renowned monastery in Yangon. Ven. Pannobhasa resided for several years at well-established monastery in London prior to accepting the position of principal monk at TBSO. What will be of great benefit to TBSO is that Ven. Pannobhasa speaks fluent English. Ven. Pannobhasa also gets involved with the non-ministry functioning of the monastery. He provides a focal point and guidance for the laity, helping with monastery upkeep and maintenance.
TBSO had a slow start but now underthe skillful direction and guidance of Ven. Pannobhasa and the efforts of TBSO members the monastery in time will evolve itself into a vibrant center of Theravada Buddhism.Not another monastery some may be lamenting. TBSO considers itself as complementary to other monasteries and not at all as some sort of competitor.Visitors from other monasteries are most welcome as is anyone who is interested in the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
TBSO offers a beginners class in abhidhamma studies and is setting up a class in abhidhamma for children. Also envisioned is an applied abhidhamma class, i.e. how to make vipassana of practical value in daily life. There are lots books, websites, organizations, etc. available in the public domain that can provide a similar practical value. Noteworthy is that many of those have at their core some sort of meditation. For example the Internet is replete with highly reputable research results demonstrating the benefits for both body and mind of insight mediation. Especially when done with a practical objective. One researcher has in fact adopted the four noble truths as taught by Theravada Buddhism to a program for helping people with mental disorders, in particular uncontrollable compulsions. Impressively the success rate of this meditative treatment has been greater than traditional therapy.
Another exciting part of the TBSO vision is to eventually build a much larger monastery.The new building would have a large mediation hall, classrooms, lecture room and even accommodations for those participating in multiple day retreats.This will be a large project but it is motivational. TBSO is confident that under Ven. Pannobhasa's leadership this vision will be realized.
TBSO is essentially just beginning; it is a young monastery with great growth potential. Donations, as always, are very much appreciated.
"Though it is a deed of little worth, do not think it will not affect you. Dropping water will in time fill a water pot drop by drop; the one who is wise is filled with good, even if one accumulates it little by little."
Best wishes in the Dhamma,
Ashin Pannobhasa
The Principal Monk - TBSO
TBSO 2025 Events

- Every one is invited to attend the Abhidhamma Class in Myanmar (Burmese)
Date: Every Sunday
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time)
Place: Dhamma Gone Yee Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha, 17730, Broadway Ave, Snohomish, WA 98296.
Phone: 360 243 3468
How to join:

- Every one is invited to attend the Visuddhimagga (Path Of Purification) Class in English. To develop Insight (Vipassanā) Visuddhimagga (= Path Of Purification) lectures is certainly very useful. Understanding or realization is purely personal (sandiṭṭhika). The four Noble Truths that form the foundation of the Buddha’s teaching are dependent on this one fathom body. The Dhamma is not apart from oneself. Look within. Seek yourself. The truth will unfold itself.
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM(Pacific Standard Time)
Place: Dhamma Gone Yee Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha, 17730, Broadway Ave, Snohomish, WA 98296.
Phone: 360 243 3468
How to Join:
*** If you want to watch it as live, you need to subscribe in TBSO-mahasi Youtube. Thanks.
- Every one is invited to attend the group chanting and meditation for Burmese.
TBSO invites you to the group chanting and meditation for Burmese which will be held at DhamaGoneYee Mahasi Monastery in Snohomish. details
Date: Every Saturday
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM(Pacific Standard Time)
Place: Dhamma Gone Yee Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha, 17730, Broadway Ave, Snohomish, WA 98296.
Phone: 360 243 3468
How to join:
Time Table of Programme
5:00 - 6:00 PM Chanting Patthana
6:00 - 6:30 PM Sitting Meditation
6:30 - 7:00 PM Dhamma Talk and Discussion
Core Buddhist Concepts and their relationships
Mingon Sayadawgyi